Shushant Lakhyani

How many hours do you work every day?

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Aria Johnson
8-10 Hours.
Gulsah Anahtar S
I usually work around 8-12 hours per day, depending on my schedule and tasks I have to accomplish.
Uma Venugopal
Shekhar Iyer
@uma_venugopal look who is talking - and in one of the posts you had mentioned 80 hours a week would be a overkill
Uma Venugopal
@shekhar_iyer when you're a founder building a startup you don't get to choose. As simple as that :)
Shushant Lakhyani
@uma_venugopal Woah! How do you manage other stuff after working for 12-14 hours?
Uma Venugopal
@shushant_lakhyani Planning my week ahead(on Sundays), time blocking, and planning small stuff like social life help a ton. Also, currently raising pre-seed so need to let go of some "comfort zone stuff" like sleep.😂
Leonor Montero
By now I'd say it's a lifestyle so I don't even keep track of it to be honest, which is a good thing I guess?
Marco Elizalde
10 - 12 hours.
8 maximum with full focused other hours are small tasks which is not regularly
Lars Hertel
8 on my job, 2 on my projects
Martina Hackbartt
I have multiple projects which I try to fit into an 8-hour workday. However, I spend around 12+ hours in total if I count my studies and personal projects!