I met my co-founder through a friend. We agreed really quickly that we wanted to found a startup together. We complement each other very well in our different areas. I can recommend founding a company with a partner to anyone.
I've always been the solo kind of guy when it comes to starting up projects and businesses.
But in university - honestly, a place I couldn't stand because it felt so stuck in the pasts sometimes - the people I crossed paths with there, were people I trusted the first time to build some cool stuff together with.
Hired a dev to start work on our platform and Discord bot. He had a partner that didn't do anything- 1 month and still hadn't finished splash page. So I offered my now partner the same amount not including my down deposit for him to do everything without his partner- he knocked everything out quick and was smart af and a great challenge solver. When prototype was completed I offered him a partnership and he accepted. He was only 15-16 yrs old at the time too, and we've made a lot of progress and a cool social investing app since we linked up over 2 years ago.
Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
NVSTly: Social Investing