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  • How did you come up with the idea for your product or service?

    Garen Orchyan
    31 replies


    Jamie L
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    The idea sparked from a personal pain point, Garen—finding a streamlined solution became a passion project that evolved into the service we offer today! It's amazing how solving our own challenges can lead to creating something valuable for others.
    Girish Gilda
    One way is to visit Reddit communities of some niche and check out the comments on the posts. You'll come across many problems which you can solve.
    Girish Gilda
    @hasan_py My products are already live. I use this method to find problems which people are facing and how I can solve it using my existing products. It helps me add new features to my product.
    Rick Fan
    Sider for iOS 2.0
    Launching soon!
    Most of my products are trying to solve problems they actually encounter.
    Immersive Translate Bilingual Video
    The idea for my product sparked from a personal pain point I encountered, which I noticed was a common frustration for others as well. This shared experience fueled my passion to create a solution that not only addressed my needs but also had the potential to benefit a wider audience.
    @xyz_333 For me, it was the same, also some problem I encountered which I hope I can make it easier for others
    Pablo Roig
    @xyz_333 Something similar in our case. I find when you built from user experience, you have a little advantage. What you think?
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    I have the best story! I'm making Upperhunt, a Product Hunt add-on that will make people's launch rank higher and gain more sign ups. Why? Because last year someone hunted my (other) app and it made my MRR jump! I wanted to post the app again this year, but I had no followers. So I'm taking a detour. I've been building Upperhunt and using it to grow my PH followers. It's been working great!
    Constantine Stan.
    Out of frustration with the existing products and services haha
    Megham Garg
    I start my workday with checking all my messages, comments & notifications from different tools like Gmail, Notion, Figma, Github etc. And I used to face this problem where I'd have to juggle so many different platforms just to plan my day ahead during my freelancing journey, and that'd waste so much of my time and money as a result, so as a result I decided to work on Servcy
    Murat ⚡
    Solve your own problem. If you are willing to pay it’s likely others too.
    Pablo Roig
    @getsharp_au Totally right, sometimes we thing we are the only with pain, when we share it, we realize how many others are. Don't you think?
    Murat ⚡
    @pabloroig_clous Absolutely Pablo! History of full founders building 8-9 figure businesses by solving their problems: e.g. Instagram
    Josh Walker
    My service is an accelerator for indie hackers and bootstrappers. I've worked with developers and founders for years. And most of them focus on low leverage activities that don't convert into paid users. Our service helps to refine the product and marketing strategy to find the right website visitors (upstream), convert them into paid users (landing page and onboarding), and retain them to increase LTV (UX and Customer Success). Basically - we fill all the gaps between "I built something" and "I've got a bunch of happy, paying users." The idea came out of personal experience, paired with crawling indie-hacker twitter, reddit, and websites.
    Cameron Scully
    realised how well blog content repurposing worked for me and made it a service
    Jeff Treves
    Actually it evolved within years, maybe in a decade. But the absence of online tattoo trading was always a clear gap in the industry.
    Margen Stepa
    Small Design Tools
    Small Design Tools
    My product came from personal experience. Used to trade a lot last year and by using TradingView all the time I was looking for new themes time to time and found nothing. That's why i created TradingView Themes which is gonna launch soon
    Alvaro Villalba Perez
    Experienced the problem myself
    Víctor Hinojosa
    A lot of people around me transcribe audios manually and very slooowly. So, i decided to create an app that does that for them!.
    Sathish Nagarajan (SNR)
    3 weeks back I got a message that $26 was deducted from my bank account, and backtracked to a paypal account, and found it was godaddy for a domain. Now I remembered the same happened last year and I tried contacting godaddy, and they said they can't cancel it unless I login and I lost access to the email with which I signed up before 5 yrs. Year after year it was story for 3 yrs. Now I searched for tools to remind subscriptions, the perspective is different. So built a quick and handy one. It says forgotten subscriptions are costing more than $133 for many a year. So I am launching "Spend Monitor"
    Matej Cabadaj
    Personal need - I was looking for a platform that would enable me to take better care of my mind. And I did not find exactly what I needed 😄 And fast forward to now, I am 13 days from launch 😅
    Yevheniia Zimmerman-Buhaienko
    Honestly, I was really tired of constantly scrolling through countless blogs and RSS feeds just to stay updated with technology and industry news)) I am only testing it, so will appreciate your feedback about peekly.ai)
    Jamayal Tanweer
    I have worked for 14 years in the Creative and Design industry. I started at the bottom and worked my way up to the leadership team. I've had the honor of working at big network agencies, leading several regional teams, and collaborating with amazing clients. However, one consistent pain point: The brief was never good enough, always a big gap at each level, both internally and externally. When I transitioned to an independent contractor, I faced the same issue. Now, as the owner of my own design studio, I noticed the same gap while working as a solo designer. This prompted me to develop SayBriefly - an AI tool that helps you craft efficient briefs with minimal chance of error.
    Hussein Hashish
    lots of research and a final "aha" moment and 1.5 years later, weeks away from launch
    Anastasia Liamets
    As a PMM, noticed that current onboarding platforms don’t solve the problem of user activation for products with freemium / free trials — most of them show basic things users already know, making them annoyed and skip everything. So decided to building new product, that really shows the value + boosts monetisation.