Chetan Nagaraja

Hello there meet Chetan, I am building a productized service.

I am Chetan, I am currently building Pexmotion, a productized service for SaaS, B2B and Ai startups, who are requiring product motion ad videos for marketing. Unlimited videos and Unlimited revision for a monthly flat $fee. I am creating videos since 2017 and currently scaling my company. Subscribe to get more updates on the launch!

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Nice! How have you came up with the business model, that is, how do you calculate the flat fee? Are you planning to make a launch for it on PH? I'm currently also building a productized service. I used to be a freelancer 5 years ago, but these days, it seems going productized is the best way to stand out :)
Chetan Nagaraja
@anatoliik Nice Observations . Thank you for these. I will see how I can implement these changes. Also it will be great connect on twitter:
Chetan Nagaraja
@anatoliik Hi thanks for replying. Yes I feel after having a solid experience. You should take the productized as I see many examples of people who is doing well balancing work and the personal life too. Regarding the fee structure, I came up with a pricing model based on the quality I could provide and compared it with the fee of others in the same niche. The website is already live. Let me know if you are interested. Ping me on twitter. @ChetanFromPM
@chetanmedia just checked out your website - congrats on taking it live! Some feedback: - It would be good to see more description of your service. Currently, you only have the tagline, which sounds clear enough to me. But ideally, I'd like to scroll down and get a better feel of your product: maybe an example ad, maybe feature descriptions. I'd like to see the pricing plans too. Check out these ( , guides on how to make a good landing. - The "$fee" with a dollar in front of it could be replaced with the real fee. Or at least the dollar sign removed. No one is really putting dollar signs like that in front of text in their landings, so "$fee" breaks the pattern sort-of.
Geometrydashapk App
Hi Chetan! Your project, Pexmotion, sounds awesome! It's like giving SaaS, B2B, and AI startups a helping hand with videos for their marketing. Just like heavy equipment repair service keeps things working well, your unlimited videos and revisions will help businesses keep their marketing going strong. Can't wait for the launch! 🚀🎥
Chetan Nagaraja
@thomas_steven Hey Thomas! Thank you appreciate it. Will notify you once launch. Would need your support.