Do you use Hacker News for marketing?

Sunny Kumar
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Richard Reis
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You just post to Show HN and use a title that's not clickbaity. It costs nothing, take 10 seconds, and could add traffic. So it's worth it regardless :) Unlike other launch platforms that will charge you, make you wait weeks, etc...
I have tried posting there a bunch of times but not worked out well. Not sure if it is relevant anymore.
Sunny Kumar
@vaibhavdwivedi It works well, but it is hard to crack. The most common issue I encounter is its post-flagging problem.
Joshua Brueckner
@marclou wrote an incredible post on marketing on Hacker News which landed many of his products in the leaderboard on PH - here's the post
Vihaan Gupta
It is really hard to crack!
I've never posted to hacker news but I do consume content from it regularly, some really cool stuff people have created!
dont really understand...the community is too tech for me, and the rule kind of complicated. hope to get some clear guide