Arun Pariyar

🎊 Celebrating 100 followers and +200 points on Product Hunt


πŸ‘‹ Hi Community, As the headline says I am celebrating but I cant start that without saying THANK YOU! to the community here that inspires me to also start journey of building something. I am not there yet still lots to learn but I hope to in the coming months. As a token of thanks to the community I am give my learnings: One Pager | Getting Started Guide to Product Hunt 🐾 πŸ‘‰ I wrote this after my two weeks of being on Product Hunt collecting my experience. It is aimed at those who just joined and want to start getting active as quick as possible. Make a copy and you have a checklist to guide you. I hope this will be helpful to you. Lastly, I want to celebrate by using today to connect with as many of you as I can on Twitter/LinkedIn. So please drop your links and I will be sure to follow and add you. I look forward to it. Here are my links : πŸ‘” πŸ›Ή Let the celebrations begin πŸ₯³

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Samir Moussa
Well done!
Louis Min
Thanks Arun for the useful tips and congrats on your journey! Recently started PH and twitter (!
Luka Vasic
Congrats man. I also started my PH journey about a month ago. What are some of your future goals for PH? Don't use Twitter, but I create content on Ln:
Arun Pariyar
Hey @luka_vasic, Hope you are having a good experience. To me at the moment it’s to be part of a community. I have tried several things before actually like slack, discord, reddit But at PH there is a different kind of energy all together. There is something new happening all the time with new products coming in the discussions are engaging and there are a variety of people here unlike other channels that can be very specific. With regards to the future I would like to keep this momentum going while I am growing my skills to make my own product. I am also equally looking forward to working with our team to launch our product here in this platform we are currently in talks but haven’t reached a decision yet. I will be sure to add you on LinkedIn πŸ‘
Sneha Saigal
Superb work Arun!! Congrats on your patience and perseverance. I am starting to enjoy the idea of community and audience building myself - for my startup and personal goals both. I'd love to stay connected with you!! Twitter: LinkedIn:
Arun Pariyar
It can be rewarding process @sneha_saigal but as you said requires time and patience. My one tip for you is also to remain yourself through the process. All the best and thank you for your kind comments. I will be connect with you on both channels πŸ‘
Evgeniy Yakubovskiy
Congrats ! next step 10OO followers as minimum
Arun Pariyar
Ha ha, @evgeniyyakubovckiy you surely raised the bar here, I will give it my best shot, Thank you for the encouragement πŸ‘
Congrats, Arun, great start πŸš€
Congrats ! next step 2OO followers πŸ₯³
Arun Pariyar
Thanks @fares_aktouf, Thats would be the next step indeed πŸš€
Well done!
Very cool, Arun! Hope to follow along on your journey and share my adventures with you, too.
Danny Hatcher πŸ”Ž
Congratulations! I will be reading this for sure. The community looks great but I need to understand it a bit more πŸ˜…
Arun Pariyar
Hey @dannyhatcher, I see that you have managed to create amazing following in you twitter and youtube. I am sure you will figure it out in no time, without a doubt πŸ‘
Ezzat Suhaime
Good job! siuuuuu
Samyak Tripathi
Woohoo! You are my EverestπŸ˜…
Arun Pariyar
Hey @samyak_tripathi, the guide that i have shared are the exacts steps that I followed, I hope that can help you as well. No matter how high a mountain we climb step at a time, If you need any help always just reach out :)
Feyzan A.
Hi Arun, what a beautiful discussion and thanks for sharing your insights with us. I've just added you on both platforms and anyone please feel free to add me too :)
Arun Pariyar
Hi @etjecode, Thank you for you for you kind comment and for the invitation great to have you in my network :)
Daniel Engels
Congrats. How much time a day do you use to spend on PH?
Kazimieras Melaika
Good job! Great efforts in the community and discussion! Keep it going : )
Arun Pariyar
Thanks @kmelaika, glad to receive your comment. I think we have active and helpful community here and I am happy to be part of it. Looking forward to journey ahead :)
Tania Kot
Congrats! Amazing results, great job πŸ˜ƒ
Yenire leal
Thanks for the info, Arun. I have recently started and what you mention is very useful. You have a new follower.
Ujjawal Sharma
Bertha Kgokong
Well done, would love to connect too