8 tips when designing your Product Hunt launch
1. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Users will only switch to your product if they can easily understand how your product is different or better than what they already use today. The differentiator.
2. Clarity
Clarity is the most underrated priority on Product Hunt. Almost everyone overcommunicates what their product does. Clarity is hard. So that might be why everyone mostly fails on this one. Asking for a lot of feedback early can help distill your communication to reach ultimate clarity. And people scan. So make sure your tag-line conveys what the product solves. I.e: AI-Picasso - "Make Picasso art with a single prompt"
3. Innovation
If you have some attribute that has not been done before or is done in a "new way", shout it from the rooftops. It doesn't have to be nuclear fission. And it won't be your moat forever. But innovative features are "mind viruses". people remember them. And talk about them to their peers and friends.
4. Communication
Be Succinct, "under-communicated", and communicate in threes. 1.2.3 etc. Use visuals. Create narratives. Make it easily digestible. People skim, so you have 2 seconds to entice people to want to learn more about your product. Hook them in, and then elaborate later.
6. Usefulness
Just highlight what your ICP struggles with and then provide info on how you solve it. Problem/solution. Very simple. Yet most fail this one and try to market their product to everyone, and fail to impress anyone.
7. Completeness
Your product has to work. Don't f**k up the FTUX (first-time user experience). Don't hide your product behind "email walls" or paywalls. Make it easy to try. And don't have any bugs. Other communities might be better suited for beta-testing your product.
8. Make it cool
People like to be cool. And to be cool, you need to use cool stuff. This is probably the hardest one. Cool is subtle, its in the name, its in the packaging, you can often just feel it.
What about you? What do you look for when checking out new launches? 🙏👇
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