IOS vs Android debate: Which's hotter in 2020? Functionality, cost, usability, preferences
Our phones are now an integral part of our lives and it's with no doubt I am certain to say that we’re more mobile than ever. According to one of the US Mobile App Reports indicates that:
We now spend 50% of our digital media time in smartphone apps
Time spent in mobile apps absolutely dominates over mobile web
We most often only access 20 or fewer apps in a month, but we position them on our screens in a way that makes them easily accessible
So on New Years Day (Yes, Jan 1, 2020...first debate of the year lol) over a party this debate came up. With me, being a Steve Job's Apple fan for a very long time, naturally respond with certainty that I'm a proud Apple user and interconnects everything together with my iphones, ipads, macbook, mac tv box, mac mini, etc etc.
And then the big debate came up, with some friends having ios devices preference even though it's more expensive, while some others recently switching over to android due to costs, recent peer influences, etc. Throwback to few years ago majority of my friend groups were close to 100% Apple users. It's interesting that user device preferences have shifted.
I'm mind-blown by this interesting party conversation, help me out! Here's my question to you: Are you an Apple vs Android user? What is your rationale for your choice selection? Would you shift to the other device in 2020? :)