Andrew Tye

What was the best thing that happened to you in 2019?


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Umair Mansha
I got married, bought my first car(Honda FIT), scaled my team, moved to bigger and much beautiful office, on boarded awesome new clients and looking forward to make it bigger in 2020.
Amir Kerawala
@umair_mansha Thats wonderful. Best wishes for 2020
Andrew Tye
@umair_mansha wow you had a full year!!
@umair_mansha that's an achievement. Kudos to you, I can't even make out how well organised you must be then! :D
Umair Mansha
@karanveer Thank you Karan but tbh I'm quite the opposite :p
Umair Mansha
Ramakrishna Manne
I bought a house. I know it may not sound like much but bough it after a lot of struggle. :-)
Andrew Tye
@ramakrishna_manne that's awesome! congrats
Ramakrishna Manne
@awt Many thanks!
Amir Kerawala
@ramakrishna_manne Congrats! Buying a house is always a stuggle but final result is happiness.
Ramakrishna Manne
@amirkerawala you are right Amir , Thanks!!
Neale Goldingay
I got Married after 55 years :-)
Andrew Tye
@optimumtents nice! congrats ๐ŸŽˆ
@optimumtents you inspire me, you give me hope. Kudos to you <3
Toshant Singal
@optimumtents Congrats for your new Life :)
Jairus Martin
Launched on ProductHunt! Scariest thing I've done in a while! But you never know until you try!
Andrew Tye
@jairus_martin exactly! that's great...what did you launch?
Jairus Martin
@awt Thank you! It's called Downshift and it's a digital health coaching platform centered around sleep, nutrition, and mental health. We just want people to be able to get the help they need in an easily-accessible manner
Andrew Tye
@jairus_martin nice! checking it out now..
Jairus Martin
@awt Much appreciated! If you have any feedback for us, we'd love to hear it at . Have a great New Year! Wishing you blessings in 2020!
Amir Kerawala
Nice and simple reminder to stay healthy, I like it. Good luck and best wishes for 2020!
Morgan Young
I fortunately managed to recover from being an employee in a startup-gone-wrong team. It took a toll on me when the place went from about 80 people to zero in the space of about 3 months, but I learnt lessons and moved on to something even better. How about you?
Andrew Tye
@morgan_young2 wow, that's really intense! so working on Churn now?
Morgan Young
@awt Yep! Generally we just think that smaller scale SaaS companies don't have the means to properly take hold of the data their applications yield to prevent user churn. We're going to make sure it's accessible to everyone, where they can just plug their application usage stats into our AI solution and it'll tell them who's at risk of churning :) Using AI for good eh! I do have an 'upcoming' page in case you want to follow along. How are things with you?
Andrew Tye
@morgan_young2 sounds cool! i'll have to check that out
Andrew Tye
For me it was figuring out that a couple health issues were partly to blame for my fatigue and lack of maybe nights and weekend projects will be easier in 2020!
Ramakrishna Manne
@awt I wish you the absolute best. Good Luck!
@awt all the best with your health. :D
Meet Patel
understood every hard part of javascript after 3 years of deep javascript learning.
Andrew Tye
@meet_k_patel awesome! i'm sure this will lead to some amazing products next year!
Meet Patel
@awt thnx man. I'll try not to disappoint on it.
Gonรงalo Henriques
Changed my career to product management
Andrew Tye
@gonelf very nice! what were you doing prior?
Gonรงalo Henriques
@awt I was working as a software developer for more than 10 years.
Fuad Aliyev
Launching product on the market
Andrew Tye
@fuad that's great! what are you working on?
Fuad Aliyev
@awt PropTech/AI product in B2B space.
Probably launching TravelPeri on Product Hunt and getting loads of traffic :)
My first time in my life, I spent a lot of time for oversea, I went to Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and spend 14 days in India. It is really a memorable moments to have chance to see a lot of things. I also learned a lot of new things, do the jobs that I never do. Thank you 2019 & welcome 2020!
Andrew Tye
@yann0104 that's awesome! happy new year ๐ŸŽ‰
Mr. Mason
I explored my mind to depths. 2019 was one of my best years. Happy new year you all!
David Verhaag
I left a job I was too comfortable doing to start Olifano. It was just the shock to the status quo that I needed to inspire a whole wave of creativity both in and outside of work.
Happy new year
Laura Vasquez
I started working for PPC Ad Editor as a customer experience manager and it's been great so far! It's been a long time since I've been happy at a job
Andrew Tye
@laura_vasquez95 that's awesome. seems like happiness at work can be elusive...but so cool when you find it!!
Victor Khodalov
LifeViewer app we launched ๐Ÿš€
Volodymyr Davydenko
I started working on Cinemeet app with my friend and co-founder @john_corcoran :)