Louis Thibault

How long should our Product Hunt/Early Access offer last?

To support the launch of our new product we are thinking about giving free access to new signups. The question is how long is it worth doing? Anyone here have experience on how long the keep Product Hunt offers available for?

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Breffni Potter
Newbie to Product Hunt but start with "Why are we doing early access" - Is it just to get users signed up? - Is it to get feedback from those users to affect development? - Is it to draw in the early adopters who can then spread the word to others? Referrals? How long you do it for, depends entirely on your goals and if you meet those goals. Let's assume the feedback is awful and a lot more work needs to be done, then you know you need to stay in early access. Or the feedback is amazing, very little to change, you can finish early.
Kyle Thacker
Think of free access as an acquisition cost, its not free to you. If the cost of offering it for free is greater than you're willing to spend to acquire the audience you're building, then its time to reconsider.