Name the first app you open on your phone in the morning

77 replies
Mine is Simple Habit. I keep my phone on DND and airplane mode when I sleep and then turn on wi-fi so I can meditate before anything else. What's the first app you open on your phone in the morning?


Alex Devero
Peak app, brain training.
Cayetano Gil
First of all would be a quick glance at the notifications center and see if something stands out 🚨 Otherwise, the weather app.
Hustle Crew Academy
Hustle Crew Academy
@cayetanogil ah yes the Weather app! I check that, too
Twitter πŸ˜…
Gary Arthur
@ryzalyusoff hello πŸ‘‹ I see a green plant on your profile so it got me thinking πŸ€” How would you like to earn from CBD without having to come in contact with the actual product while dealing?
Pratyush Sinha
Chrome app - to check news :)
Hustle Crew Academy
Hustle Crew Academy
@aaron_kazah love the dedication!!
Wavy McFlindell
Either the iOS stocks app or snapchat
Hustle Crew Academy
Hustle Crew Academy
@wavy first person to say snapchat! Do you share updates or just check stuff?
Dima Grossman
Email πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
Hustle Crew Academy
Hustle Crew Academy
@dima_grossman wow Email is really popular and I'm shocked haha. I try to put off reading emails until I've at least had a cup of tea.
Hustle Crew Academy
Hustle Crew Academy
@kavirkaycee wow I'm the opposite! I try to avoid opening WhatsApp for as long as possible πŸ˜…
Kavir Kaycee
@abadesi Haha, how long does it last usually? WhatsApp is also direct people-to-people connect, so it makes sense to want to know what's happening there.
Hustle Crew Academy
Hustle Crew Academy
@kavirkaycee If i'm lucky I can hold out until 11am or almost lunch time - I always prefer to reserve my mornings for the most urgent/important/difficult work tasks on my list. Its when my brain is most efficient after resting from sleep!
James Jackson
On a good day, Insight Timer to meditate immediately. On those other days, Twitter
anthony ware
Right now, it's Kindle to read the Daily Stoic.
Kesara Wimal
Unstoppable Domains Resolver
Unstoppable Domains Resolver
Gmail for me
Hustle Crew Academy
Hustle Crew Academy
@kesara lots of folks saying email... how do you manage to not get stressed first thing in the morning? πŸ˜…
Hustle Crew Academy
Hustle Crew Academy
@kesara like newsletters? I need more delightful emails in my life!
Dan Edwards
Product Hunt
Product Hunt
Usually iMessage to send a morning message to my fiancé, as she leaves for work early in the morning while I'm still 😴