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Wajiha Haider
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Not launched in India? I can not access the page from the link here

Spotify daylist
Fresh music sunup to sundown: your ever-changing playlist

Wajiha Haider
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Notion works really well for me
What are some good no-code tools you use for your business?
Mubeen Masudi
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Wajiha Haider
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I think I spent most of my time on Sheets when I started my professional career - but indeed excel has a lot of other functionality and leverage as it is not dependent on internet availability.
I prefer Sheets - better shareability and features that they have built lately.
Sheets or Excel?
Mubeen Masudi
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Wajiha Haider
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I'm a big-time celebration person, I like to applaud myself and others on their little wins.
I recently started a Creative Marketing Agency, finally leaving behind my fear and accepting the challenge.
Do you celebrate small achievements? Name one.
Utkarsh Gupta
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Wajiha Haider
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A lot of WhatsApp communities are escalating, and a good way to network. Easily accessible and communication is easier. Whether it be about opportunities, or anything else.
Where are you networking these days?
Utkarsh Gupta
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Wajiha Haider
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Building and managing communities is a big task, the first question is who do you want to be a part of your community? Is it students, programmers, etc? Define them, and then go to platforms accordingly.
If it's fellow builders, then Product Hunt, or try to be a part of some Twitter Communities, especially #BuildInPublic
If it's people who you want to convert as your general users, try...
What is the best platform to build an online community?
Utkarsh Gupta
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Wajiha Haider
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This is one of the coolest tool I have come across.
10x your engagement rate during Zoom meetings

At Learnvio - Your Online Learning Partner. We will help you choose your own pace with our tailored classrooms based on your particular learning style, ensuring you don’t succumb to redundant classes or feel dazed by fast-paced coursework.

Your Learning Partner

Wajiha Haider
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I love the design and appreciate the hard work and smart work put into the development.

The all-in-one community for makers

Wajiha Haider
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Local companies & start-ups, don't really come from generational wealth and have put in hard & smart work.
Would you rather choose products from big corporations or local companies? Why?
Sveta Bay
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Wajiha Haider
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Loved the minimalistic design of the website

Organize your ideas & projects visually

Wajiha Haider
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Bangalore for me, it's just serene, but comes with a lot of traffic. Ugh!
What's the most beautiful place you've ever been?
Shaur ul Asar
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Wajiha Haider
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Write down my ideas, whether for a blog, a product, or just a tweet.
What's the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
Shaur ul Asar
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Wajiha Haider
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This is really cool Luka, thanks for sharing!
My first shot at a Notion product! Would appreciate feedback.
Luka Vasic
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Wajiha Haider
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I'd say it's two spiritual-centric books, and they helped me a lot to self-reflect. First is The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho, and the second is The Secrets of Divine Love by A. Helwa
What's the most life-changing book you've ever read?
Shawn Myers
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Wajiha Haider
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For me, @Notion works the best. I can use it as a website, just a coming soon landing page or any other way I'd want.
What's your favorite no code tool for creating websites?