Mubeen Masudi

Sheets or Excel?


What do you prefer? Sheets or Excel? I prefer excel given the ease with which it can be used independent of a stable internet connection. But having a hard time convincing all my colleagues to move to excel from sheets. So spend time juggling between the two. What are your thoughts?

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Wajiha Haider
I think I spent most of my time on Sheets when I started my professional career - but indeed excel has a lot of other functionality and leverage as it is not dependent on internet availability. I prefer Sheets - better shareability and features that they have built lately.
Gautam Srivastava
Definitely sheets for me! The Mac version of Excel is very different from the one on Windows machine - the shortcuts which made Excel sublime don't exist on MacOS.
Excel 100%!!!
Sariah Mansoor
Sheets for me! I find it more convenient to use especially for collaboration and sharing with the team.
Mubeen Masudi
@sariah_mansoor1 Yes that seems to be the consensus. When it comes to sharing basic data sets with the team - sheets is definitely better. However, when it comes to some extensive analytics on the data I prefer excel as it is more modular.
Sandra Djajic
I don't like either but if i have to choose, Excel wins by far :D
Aparajita Kar
It's Sheets for me! While I know Excel has more features than Sheets, I find that Sheets is a much better fit for team collaborations. Plus, since it's cloud-based, I can access my spreadsheets from anywhere.
Mubeen Masudi
@aparajita_kar Yes - I prefer to use excel most of the times. But sheets when it comes to collaboration around just sharing data with minimal analytics on the top.
Utkarsh Gupta
Google sheet it is, for me! Simply typing opens a new google sheet and you can get started almost instantly. However, I still desire a bunch of features that Excel has like amazing shortcuts and a simple way to construct macros and build heavy-duty applications.
Uttiya Roy
Excel is way more powerful but, sheets is prettier and easier to share
Deivid Colkevicius
Depends on your device. No question that in general Excel is superior...But sadly if you use a mac that's not the case as Microsoft doesn't seem bothered making an equal mac version. So in my opinion sheets is the better option for Mac users. If only Apple actually cared about Numbers...they could easily create an awesome competitor to Excel and Sheets, however their target market is mainly creatives and not number crunchers. Not complaining as myself I'm a creative and would never leave the apple ecosystem (I don't think people realise how life changing things like airdrop are). But it would be nice to see Apple push some attention and passion into their own version of excel....
Mubeen Masudi
@tapzo Makes sense. I guess I am biased in the favor of Excel because I have been a lifelong user of windows. Additionally, I have spent considerable amount of time in regions with frequent internet shutdowns - making usage of sheets very unsustainable.
Deniz Can Ilgın
for lightweight solutions; Google Sheets. for lifetime solutions; Microsoft Excel. what happens in the near future, I don't know but it is like that for me for now.
Mubeen Masudi
@denizcanilgin Exactly the same for me. Sheets only when I need to share information with the team. Excel whenever I have to do some analytics or fragmentation of the data.
Madeleine Nichols
for collaboration and version control, sheets comes out on top for me
Mubeen Masudi
@madeleine_nichols Yes using sheets makes sense when it is just about sharing some data and minimal analysis.
Lokesh Joshi
Definitely Google sheet for me.
Pavel Kukhnavets
Both tools have their own strengths and weaknesses. Google Sheets offers the advantage of cloud-based collaboration, allowing multiple users to edit a document simultaneously in real time. Excel comes with a wide range of advanced features and functions, making it a powerhouse for complex data analysis, financial modeling, and automation. It has a more extensive library of templates and add-ins, which can significantly enhance productivity for power users. However, there are many substitutes to Sheets and Excel alternatives that you can use right away. Ultimately, the choice between Sheets, Excel, and software alternatives depends on your specific use case. If you want to know more about the options and opportunities, read the useful info here: