Patrick Lung

Patrick Lung

product @ lyft, prev: kite, microsoft
46 points
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Patrick Lung
Patrick Lung
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So excited to try this! I hate Cmd+Shift+3!
Supa Screenshot
Supa Screenshot
Create beautiful screenshots in seconds
Patrick Lung
Patrick Lung
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Love the pricing approach and excited to give this a try!
Spryngtime Chat
Spryngtime Chat
A free Intercom/Zendesk chat altnerative
Patrick Lung
Kite released JavaScript completions today featuring Multi-Line Completions for boilerplate code. It’s powered by a deep learning model trained on over 22 million .js files. Kite is free and works with the top IDEs.
Write JavaScript faster using deep learning
Patrick Lung
Patrick Lung
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Well-designed product that makes complex tracking simple. Big fan!
Stock Alarm
Stock Alarm
Level up your trading with customized alerts.
Patrick Lung
Patrick Lung
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?makers is there a way to bypass the "request access"? i'd love to try this out!
A productivity machine that forces you to do tasks 1-by-1
Patrick Lung
Patrick Lung
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All my four hour workweek idea pages will now have a Referlist!
Increase email sign-ups via word of mouth referrals