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I love the idea! Such a need in our busy cities!
Quiet Places Finder
Find the quietest places in the world’s loudest cities

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I find the product is great and pretty straight forward for a very specific use case. Do you plan adding option to export video versions, with video or image for each slide as background, image upload and animated text? It will be a killer product that will cover almost everything. I see it like a Canva competitor, but spending far less time in the setup.
MindPal Creator
Turn anything into carousel posts in a snap

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Congrats on the launch @0xpayne it's a very interesting concept and the way to deploy it seems pretty intuitive. Like Google Optimize, but easier to get running. I'll definitely test it. However, I am bit confused on how the tool determines a conversion and its value, as I see that logging them is optional. At least, it feels a bit out of control for traditional optimization. Can you explain it...

Let your website optimize itself with generative A/B testing

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Amazing product! I hope this helps bring some awareness on the "shadow footprint" of modern cities (in fact, its out-of-control buildings). Thanks!
Interactive 3D maps app to visualize solar shadows worldwide

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This is a great idea (turned product) for everyone trying to make to most of their investment (not only marketers). I did recently build my own solution for music links because -as a musician- I wanted more data on my leads: not only tracking conversions, but also other useful Google Anlaytics data. I also run into this issue helping my girlfriend promote her products on RedBubble. Nowadays,...
URL shortener with retargeting pixels

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This kind of products offer endless value once you realise your site could be down for hours without noticing (had this problem last saturday!). And as @victor_ponamariov says, while there are other competitors out there, you can always do better! Looks great and perfect domain choice.
Know when your site is down before your customers do

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I'm ok with just the TV playing the game, but love it!
Build an NES out of LEGO

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Can't stop writing. Also, can't write anything logical. I really love this, I think it belongs to art. 👏

Send a message in Jazz!

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Looks amazing, I like the "focus on writing still having lot of useful information" approach. @adridder I am curious about your decision to use and in favor of and . I would feel more comfortable if I could choose. Could you let us know why you decided to go with the (at least for a lot of folks) "less semantic" approach? Thanks!
FREE AI web content SEO editor - just for writers

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Thanks for answering! I know it's for real, but I was imagining some kind of overdubbed voice (obviously for fun). But maybe it isn't the spirit of the project at all.
Goat 2 Meeting
Invite a real goat (or llama) to your next video call

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I love it! Does it throw some corporate shit from time to time? It would be great if it could hear the chat and say some set phrases that sound smart but are totally generic.
Goat 2 Meeting
Invite a real goat (or llama) to your next video call

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Sounds like a great product! Do you have plans to release it for other languages?

Improve your website copy based on data from your audience

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Hey @samvid_sharma1 I just tried the app. Liked it so far. I like the approach on really helping to commit to a moment of the day (I've failed so far in other apps on that point). Just wanted to suggest / recommend fine working on the audio, as I was distracted by some background noises, and even some "imperfections" in the way the voice is recorded: plosive sounds, other noises from the mouth...

Easily add a meditation habit to your routine

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I wonder how putting more cars on the streets does actually address our actual mobility crisis? 🤔

Citroen Ami
An all-electric car that 14 year-olds can drive

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Made me remember Opera browser (Opera Reborn, part of that team now in Vivaldi) being ahead of its time, as many of their developements, when they created the "face gestures" 10 years ago:
Hawkeye Access for Mac
Control your Mac using head movements

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Great content and great story @curious_founder I even think that your sales pitch process is kind of a masterclass on its own. A lot of valuable and honest insights. I have been chasing passive income with a moderate success for several years now, but never achieved a real freedom through it, even though I was close enough. But I also experienced that depression for being isolated and ended up...
7 Steps to Building A $5,000 Per Month Side Project
Michael Thomas