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Salespeople spend a lot of time in Zoom and Salesforce.
They often take notes in one place and then transpose them, bit by bit, to other places in Salesforce.
We made Salesforce available within Zoom, so salespeople don't do double work and save a ton of time.
Bonjour App for Zoom
View and update Salesforce, within Zoom

Gael Motte
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Let's split them by genre, I won't be able to rank them otherwise !
4X : Scythe for it's beautiful alternate reality, complexity and subtle asymmetry & Root for its down right crazy asymmetry
Worker placement : Annachrony for its depth and resource scarcity & Viticulture because why not combine two passions of mine
Programmation : A Game Of Throne (board game) for how crazy my...
What are your favorite board games?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Gael Motte
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Congrats on the launch ?makers !
Those quality of life improvements on everyday tasks is the best way to achieve a seamless experience !

Calendar Signatures by Warmly
LinkedIn insights right in your calendar, 100% free

Gael Motte
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Nice work there ! As an amateur photographer that hates removing bg in photoshop, i'm impressed by the result from a quick test. The dev i am would love to automate packshot post process to deliver both original background and backgroundless when i shoot the products of my friends !
AI Powered image background removal tool, 100% free

Gael Motte
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Interesting, will consider this to add watermark on my photo portfolio on the fly.
Fast and secure image processing with ML features

Gael Motte
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may be of interest to you @alexa_gueguen
Your in-the-moment user research platform

Gael Motte
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@jonathanbeurel Maybe an alternative to vs studio share during the technical test for our recruiting process ?

Real time code sharing without the pain of screen sharing

Gael Motte
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May be a super way to prototype stuff for personal projects. Will try it on the next one !

World's fastest way to create cloud functions

Gael Motte
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We use it daily ! Congrats !

Tandem 2.0
Unlock serendipity with the most powerful virtual office

Gael Motte
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Will look into it, our secret management when deploying to K8S on GCP is way too complicated @benjamin_grandfond2 @jonathanbeurel

Easily manage your environment variables and secrets

Gael Motte
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What a funny product. Hope it does not turn into a nightmare for people who could be harassed !

Anonymous social platform to share untold/instant emotions