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Rodrigo Bimonte
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Let's have a try. Excellent tool to have when creating content.

The Podcast Font
The font you need for all your podcasts

Rodrigo Bimonte
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Seems awesome! Excellent tool to keep thoughts organized.

Write your books, this time you'll finish

Rodrigo Bimonte
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Seems awesome! Let's have a try. Excellent tool to have.
The 2022 App Concierge
Your custom productivity toolkit of the top hidden gems

Rodrigo Bimonte
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Some tools come to really be a life saver. Congratulations!

Check how your favicon looks on different devices and modes

Rodrigo Bimonte
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Very interesting. I'll give it a try right now
Collaborative coding environment for technical interviews

Rodrigo Bimonte
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It's excellent to manage all the social media events through a single tool. Nice job!

A search engine for the social web

Rodrigo Bimonte
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Very interesting. Working from home leads to poor posture and many complications.

Posture tracking software

Rodrigo Bimonte
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Meetfox features seems to meet most of my today's needs. Let's have a try.
MeetFox 2.0
Turn meetings into deals with a streamlined booking tool

Rodrigo Bimonte
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Great creation! Let's have a try.
EmbedSocial Forms Builder
Build interactive web forms & feedback widgets in seconds.

Rodrigo Bimonte
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Excellent tool to have.
All-in-one calculator for iPad and iPhone

Rodrigo Bimonte
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Hi friends from Product Hunt! I'm excited to share with you Mapeai, a platform I have been building for some months now.
Mapeai is a integrated platform that allows everyone to explore, transform, manage, and prepare data to Machine Learning deployment.
The optimization feature tells you what to do with your data, like how to transform a text column into an int16 or a datetime column just...

Data Science Ready for All

Transform data and get prepared to deploy machine learning models with no code.
✔︎ Optimize your data to reduce storage and memory space.
✔︎ Keep track of all steps.
✔︎ Export your work in different file formats and definitions.
✔︎ Easy UI and minimal effort.
✔︎ Optimize your data to reduce storage and memory space.
✔︎ Keep track of all steps.
✔︎ Export your work in different file formats and definitions.
✔︎ Easy UI and minimal effort.

Data Science Ready for All

Rodrigo Bimonte
left a comment
Seems awesome! Let's have a try
Jam Edit
Edit your website, right from the page.