Vite is a build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects. A dev server that provides rich feature enhancements. A build command that bundles your code, pre-configured to output highly optimized static assets.
We use Vite for blazing-fast builds, hot module replacement, and optimized performance, ensuring smooth development and a responsive extension. Its modern tooling simplifies creating a seamless, efficient experience!
Vite has changed how builds are run and how I develop daily. It is blazingly fast and super easy to use. Like Vue, Vite is the obvious choice for web developers when a framework is required for the job at hand.
it's one of the best build tools for the web and other web technologies. it laverages other open source and free tools in a.whole package easy to use and highly developer friendly.
thanks to all maintainers
For anyone tired of the old bundler grind, Vite's a game changer. But since it is so young, I had to figure out some more complex parts of the settings / rollup config myself and also stumbled upon issues in production that I just could not solve and that left me excluding a certain package from my build entirely. So, prepare for some challenges if you want to use this in big/complex projects.
Vite is hugely speeding up my Vue frontend development speed, with it's ultra high-speed hot reloading and tooling. One of the best frontend utilities i've ever used.