Mailmeteor is the #1 emailing platform for Gmail. Trusted by million of users worldwide, Mailmeteor is the best email service to send personalized mass emails with Gmail. Track your results in real time and follow up easily to get more replies.
Email Studio adds power tools to your Gmail including Mail Merge, Email Scheduler, Email Auto-Forwarder, Email Auto-Responder, Draft Copier, Email Purger and Gmail Unsubscriber (Lifehack of the Year)
Simply enter a URL or TOPIC to generate your marketing emails instantly. Try NOW for FREE - An AI tool to write educational and promotional emails that are opened, read, and generate sales.
Personaliz is not an icebreaker generator. Our AI writes a whole e-mail for each of your prospects.
In a few clicks, you'll get hundreds of fully personalized, relevant, and highly converting cold e-mails for your prospecting campaigns.
Relevon is the easiest way to send personalized product emails based on what's happening in your store. 🛒 Increase your revenue while spending less time doing email marketing. Just set it and forget your ecommerce email campaigns w/ 🌴
If you are using outreach marketing to talk to your prospects you need to stand out to get noticed. Do the same old thing and people just ignore you. Sell makes outreach easier with personalization on Email, LinkedIn, Facebook & Landing pages.