I am a Reddit user for many years, but the past years I had to create new accounts over and over again. With one account that had a huge amount of karma.
So this is how you create a Reddit account: You register and make sure you can log in. Then you don't touch Reddit for 2 weeks. Then you come back and try to post. If that works: Congrats!
But you can't post, because you need karma for most subreddits. So you comment on some posts so others can upvote you. If that works: Congrats! Only 30 karma away from posting! (1 karma per 3 days)
But then Reddit decides the karma isn't counting. You can notice this by upvoting others. It seemed to work, but if you refresh the page, the upvote is reset. If this reset doesn't happen! Congrats!
In the end, it will take you a full month to be able to post and communicate with others.
But once in a while some Reddit admin decides to warn me about my posting behavior and if I don't adjust I will be banned. Just some automatic message without any valid reason I did something wrong. After a while, I know that when I get this 'warning' message, I would be banned the next day. So I already deleted my account.
Oh, the message did say about involuntary photography and sharing of girls... I post in subreddits about Lego Technics, travel, and home renovation!
This all is when you are a guy. I am not even joking. I created a new account (VPN, clean device) and registered as a female. I could post within 2 days! I am all in for equal rights, but I don't think Reddit gets the idea.
If you ask me: Get Reddit offline and let's start a new Reddit that makes sense and makes it fun again!