Get what you're looking for from any recipe URL. Strip away the life story, the email list popups, and the other fluff that makes it hard to find the recipe itself.
Blogstreak is the tool library for your blog. If you want nice clap and comments for your static blog then look no further blogstreak has the answer. Blogstreak using latest webcomponent technology so it's highly customisable.
Struggling To Make Breakfast Part Of Your Workday Morning? Get 10 Min Healthy, Budget Friendly and Delicious Breakfast Recipes Curated from Top Food Bloggers into your mailbox every week.
Yokie is a new social media site for sharing cooking recipes with the world! Yokie's vision is to have a fast loading, ad-free experience, for quickly finding exactly what you need.
KitchenPal is your virtual kitchen assistant that revolutionises the way you cook, eat & shop for groceries. Now easily manage your kitchen inventory, find healthy & sustainable products, create automated grocery lists, discover tasty recipes, and a lot more.
Simmer lets you import recipes from all your favorite websites and save them into collections, view those recipes in a consistent format with step by step directions, and discover new recipes by following your friends, family, or other chefs.