With more of us working from home than ever before, there's a growing need to show someone what's on your screen. That's why I built Screen Recorder! It's a modern and minimal Progressive Web App. 100% Free. Private. No Watermarks. No Ads. No Recording Limits.
Hold the screen to record and swipe vertically to zoom. Quickly create a montage without extensive editing options. Just record, record, and send to your favourite app 🔥
Ever wish you had that call recorded? We missed tons of opportunities to record calls because apps were a pain to use. Whether you’re prospecting, onboarding, selling, or training add You Call Recorder to your contacts and never lose a great conversation.
Rev is a speech technology company dedicated to making your conversations more productive and meaningful. Our blend of AI speed and human accuracy ensures fast and reliable results that not only captures every word you record but also analyzes and synthesize them. With 18B+ words transcribed from 6.5M+ hours of speech data, our ASR model is the most accurate and least biased in the industry. That’s why 1M+ users and 125K+ companies worldwide rely on Rev's Speech-to-Text platform and solutions.