INDX is a focused place for self-directed learning. Easily save podcasts, articles, and videos and leverage powerful curation/community features to discover your next read or listen from a friend. We like to think of INDX like Pinterest but for learning.
Between all of the different resources I use for learning, I was getting incredibly overwhelmed. INDX has helped me organize and structure these resources. They made learning fun again! Congrats on the launch!
Seems like the perfect content for me! I was familiar with a good amount of the content and even found several long-form articles (my favorite format) to check out! I can't wait to see how the community grows
Immediately useful for folks looking to discuss and riff on the content du jour. I’ve enjoyed my line of sight into what other people are consuming. You’re only going to share high signal content and so INDX is a great filtering mechanism. Looking forward to watching the product grow and continuing to get more value out of it.
App user! Through INDX I am able to add/follow my friends and family which allows me to have a stronger insight on what they enjoy in life. Overall, we are able to have in depth conversations about topics that we didn’t realize we both had interests in! Strongly recommend.
Love the idea and the app! Very easy to use and user friendly. Great way to find great reads and share my interests with my friends and family. Would highly recommend!