indemandly is a customer messaging platform designed for much more than just chat, with integrations and customizable call-to-action tiles that help website visitors & social media followers take the next step. + its FREE and quick to set up.
I've been using indemandly for a couple of months now and they just don't cease to surprise me. This is undoubtedly the most effective tool out there. Your website without indemandly is like a marketing email without any CTA. From bookings to payments, to mailchimp to now zapier. They've given me more in a line of script than what I could ask for in a fullblown software! Hats off to their super productive team. Looking forward to all your success.
I’ve used indemandly for a few months now and it’s been pretty amazing watching how quickly they’ve rolled out new features and updates. Am finding the calendar integration to be particularly useful for locking in sales calls with new leads who reach out. Keep up the great work!
I love love love indemandly! I was reached out by the company through Instagram. I was a little skeptical at first, but then I saw the well-designed plugin. It has helped me so much with my photography business!! Booking sessions has become so easy for my clients. The only thing is I wish it had more duplicate options and that the price could have two listings, one for the displayed session price and another for the upfront payment. I like to charge my clients for half the session before we shoot to lock in the date. I cannot do that right now because their is only one price to type in and you either charge the full price or don't.