Indie Hackers is a place where the founders of profitable businesses and side projects can share their stories transparently, and where entrepreneurs can come to read and learn from those examples. It's also a community where individual "indie hackers" come together to share their experiences, give and receive feedback, and rely on each other for support.
Tools for Makers is a hand-curated database of tools to help you build and ship ideas faster. It currently features 200+ products in 30 categories. Each category consists of carefully selected tools, all verified by Product Hunt community. The cards come with pricing, trial info and a brief description about the product.
Discover credibly powerful books recommendations by billionaires, icons, and world-class performers. Check out our site & find the current best selling books.
There are millions of books and most of them are not worth your time. MakerReads is a humble attempt to solve this problem by providing the data you need to pick a book that takes you to the next level.
So you see a solution to a problem. Perhaps it's a product that you sell, a painting idea, or something completely different. But how to iteratively make it more brilliant? Inspiration comes and goes. Our methods last.
A single link for creators to share in their bios to link to any affiliate links, brand deals or promotions. We put creators first by enabling them to use affiliate links from anywhere and take no money out of their pockets.
Save and share the most impactful quotes from your books and share them with your friends! Kwotet allows you to search impressing quotes from your favorite books. And gives you an easy way to choose your next read.