Make rational shopping decisions while everybody else is freaking out and hoard toilet paper. Select the number of people, the quarantine length, pick your diet, and get a shopping list.
Schop is an image-based shopping list builder that makes shopping experience fun and much better. You can add items by scanning barcodes, texting or simply speaking.
Use OuiShopp to shop online with friends in any online store! Invite friends and family to customized shopping sprees where you can give advice, get advice, and suggest specific items. Then, show off your items to all your friends on the fashion show feed.
Whisk makes cooking, connected. Simplify the journey from food inspiration to meals on the table with Whisk. Whisk reimagines the joy of cooking by powering a smarter, personalized way to save, share, and organize recipes, create and share smart shopping lists, and shop and purchase food in-store and online. See it, save it, shop it, Whisk it.
The Out of Milk app is straight-forward and offers three main list functions: shopping, pantry and to do. Grocery list apps that make shopping, syncyng lists simple.
Groceries is a SIMPLE and SMART grocery shopping list: • Items automatically repeat based on how often you've completed them previously • Your shopping list is ordered based on items' earlier completion order • Share your list and collaborate in real time
Manage your Shopping List with Just Shopping, a simple way to track, mark as purchased and tag items to buy. We aren’t in the business of ads or selling user data. We just like tracking our shopping list, join us.
Ehno compares prices across different platforms for grocery products, ensuring shoppers find the best deals and save money. You can order your Grocery in India directly from Ehno without the hassle of comparing and ordering from different places.
Shopminders makes shopping a breeze. Simply organize the products you regularly buy in lists and later mark them as due for shopping when you need them. It really is that simple!
There was this post on reddit about an antique pocket shopping list on "r/interestingasfuck". I liked the idea so I built it as web app very quickly just for fun. It uses local storage, allows changing the items and you can add it to your phones home screen.