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What do people think of Gems?

The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about Gems, what Gems can do better, and more.
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3.7/5All time (3 reviews)
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3 Reviews
Xiaoxiao Yan
good at learning
3 reviews
I really want to get a test before buying it, I am so excited! Inviting me please.
Samara Crasilneck

Founder & Leadership

1 review
This is the ideal solution to tl;dr (too long, didn't read) issue we face with so much content to digest. Excited to start using this more!
D. P
D. P
Development Engineer
1 review
Slow to import. Parts of the app feels sketchy. Hope it gets better with time but currently it's lackluster compared to what it markets itself as.
Im sorry to hear that. Would you giving a bit more context on what you expected from Gems vs what it delivered? That would help a lot. Thanks :) And regarding the import speed, we're working on it. Some people want to import LOTS of files.