Journal is a beautiful, minimalist, and non-intrusive macOS app for your journals and notes. It puts you right into the flow of writing, is privacy-first, supports Markdown, and works offline too!
Productivity systems fail. Todorant doesn't. A carefully crafted set of limitations and praise teaches the primitive part of the brain to crave productivity like we crave sugar. While other apps focus on storing, organizing and automating endless lists of to-dos, Todorant focuses on what matters: completing tasks.
Our memory is not digital so we keep forgetting our ideas, achievements and repeating mistakes over and over again. Klara helps you to keep all of them in one place. Doing so increases productivity and self-awareness.
Life is precious, and so is your time. Get the digital journal of your activities right in your pocket! Strike the life balance to improve your focus and productivity.
MeTime2 is an application that allows you to create a daily record of your life by simply adding appointments to your calendar. There is no need to try hard to keep a diary or take time at night to remember and look back!
One sentence a day to learn more about yourself. Reflect on emotions, weaknesses and driving factors in your life. Punkt makes journaling easy and fun.
Focus on what matters, from small tasks to life goals: - Spend your time doing things and reaching your goals - Stop wasting your time classifying things or measuring productivity. Minimalist and delightful design. No sign up. No ads. No data collected.
Inspired by The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll, this application helps you record and organize content in a way similar to bullet journaling. The idea of this app is to help its users focus on intentionality and productivity.
A winner of the Google and Gray Area ML & Music Series hackathon! We want you to journal and to feel better. Journaling increases mindfulness and alleviates stress and anxiety. writes a unique song based on your journal entry. Try it out!
365 & me is a simple journaling app that helps you to get to know yourself better. Answer a question a day to reflect about your life, see how you change over the years and celebrate your achievements!
Happyfeed is a simple journaling app to help you cultivate moments of joy by reflecting on 3 good things each day. Improve your happiness and create a space filled with happy memories.
Diem is great for anyone looking to start a journaling practice. Over time, youβll be able to look back and see what you did on the same day each year. Stay motivated with reminders, streaks and beautiful badges you can earn and share along your journey.
Thyself is a journaling app that utilizes an interface similar to your typical messaging app to promote journaling that appears as though you are messaging yourself. It also includes a few things you won't find when using a messenger: prompts and feelings.
Think of Journal List as the other side of a Todo-List. Instead of constantly looking at things that are not done, you're aware of how far you have come and the one current task at hand.
We built Taskbit not just for one purpose, but every purpose. We even managed our team's tasks on Taskbit while building the product. Available for IPhone, iPad and Mac.
InstaKinβs marketplace enables immigrants to easily connect & transact with vendors back home (pay home bills, send gifts, hire runners etc.). We already helped thousands of Pakistani migrants & now expanding to more communities in the US. Secure & convenient.