INDX is a focused place for self-directed learning. Easily save podcasts, articles, and videos and leverage powerful curation/community features to discover your next read or listen from a friend. We like to think of INDX like Pinterest but for learning.
Koo! is a great way to enjoy and take part of every moment! Listen to a feed of stories told by amazing friends and creative people that you love. Stay connected without missing out on life as it happens.
Damnnnn is a social learning platform that provides you a distraction free environment to expose yourself to new concepts in a more intuitive and bite-sized way.
Growclass is an intensive online marketing course to help level up in an inclusive learning environment. You’ll learn key skills to grow your business: customer psychology, funnels, SEO, Google Analytics, Facebook and Google Ads & email marketing
BitDegree is the leading Web3 learning hub that has been at the forefront of digital education since 2017. Renowned for its innovative and user-friendly learning solutions, BitDegree has introduced over 45 million users to the Web3 space, empowering individuals worldwide with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the evolving digital economy. Its newest adventure, Web3 Missions, helps users secure essential Web3 knowledge in an incentivized and gamified manner.
Rolljak is the creative learning platform that boosts collaboration and critical thinking in your classroom! Think of it like Kahoot! for open-ended questions, plus collaboration and peer evaluation capabilities.
Gain competitor insights, understand your market share, identify category and segment trends, and evaluate product performance on any brand or product selling on amazon
Edplus allows learners to test one another with video questions which can be uploaded in the app. The app is free with code KEEPLEARNING whilst schools are closed. We plan to publish a report on the impact of Tik Tok style videos on motivation & accuracy.