Marlene Konu

Which tool is the best for product mockup: Figma or Canva?

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Marlene Konu
I will start first! Canva because it's the easiest and fastest tool to create designs.
Çağla Çağlar
best to use both 👩🏻‍💻
Marlene Konu
@uxcagla When do you use canva and when do you use Figma?
Çağla Çağlar
@marlenekonu I make my mockups, and social media images with Canva but my interface works with Figma.
Figma. Canva is for beginners
Figma has much more powerful functionality, and, to be honest, it's not that hard to study it:)
Nina Austria | Afforai
i really like canva!
Italo Costa | System Developer
Canva! Easy to work
Both are great, Figma is more complex but more professional, Canva - simple but easy to use.
Lindsay Davis
Have you tried Lunacy?
Marlene Konu
@imlindsay Nope I don't know. What can you do with it?
Christopher Nguyen
Figma is my default but Canva is good for beginners
Ryan Scott
both Figma and Canva are excellent tools, Figma shines for its collaborative features and vector-based design capabilities, making it superior for detailed product mockups, whereas Canva's intuitive interface and template-based design are better suited for simpler, quick-turnaround graphics.
Marlene Konu
@rscott19_90 Definitely! It's how I have built my simple drag and drop mockups in Canva that I'm launching today :)
Ajinkya Bhat | Notion X Startups
I think for mockups Canva is a bit limited though! I designed my mockup images in Canva, the use Photoshop!
Marlene Konu
@ajinkya_bhat What do you modify in Photoshop? :)
Ajinkya Bhat | Notion X Startups
@marlenekonu I used PSD files to make my mockups! So I drop the 2D images from Canva into photoshop. I feel that gives better flexibility. I did purchase the PSD files though.
Jagtar Singh
Canva is suitable for beginners
Ahmet Muhammed Ertugrul
I make product mockups in I add text in Canva.
I like Figma more except for how easy it is to find elements and templates in Canva!
Both are best. Canva is best for beginners/non designers. Figma is mostly used by professional designers. I personally use Canva.
Mia Auguste
I would say Figma. Canva is a bit limited, not much mockups you can do. As for Figma is built for product mockups. There's even this plugin on Figma called Artboard Studio (which an also be used on its own). But if you want to keep things simple, it's definitely Canva. If you want best, then go for Figma.
Marlene Konu
@miadesigns That's good to know! I have done my mockups templates inside Canva and launching it today if you want to have a look!
Cho Cho
Canva is a quick go too!