Livia Hooson

What APIs to use for Job Sites?


Hello, I’m a new front end developer, and I got a job a month ago working for a marketing team that needed a tech person. The environment’s great here. However, if there’s ever any coding help I need, they can’t give me a whole lot of resources. I’m recently asked to find compensation data (e.g. the amount a mid level Python engineer makes in a year in Atlanta, Georgia) and I’ve been asked to find API’s to get that data. There are plenty of job sites that have that data, such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, etc., but the vast majority of sources said that their API wasn’t available to the public. The only source that definitively said yes is PayScale, and my boss would like at least 3 sources. Is there another method of getting sources from APIs? Is data from smaller sites that provide free APIs fresh and reliable? By the way, we did consider web scraping but we still like APIs as a whole. List of sources that flat out said no/docs online are saying no: LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, CareerBuilder, DICE. Thanks

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Fabian Maume
You might need to rely on web scraping in order to get those informations.
Jörg Rech
Might be a little late but you can use other Job API providers that collect job postings from job aggregators, job boards, or company career pages such as Techmap. This removes the need of handling blocking, geo-fencing, anti-scraping protection, or captchas. We’ve built an API that includes salary / compensation data and allows you to query job postings by location, workPlace (e.g., remote), timezone, occupation, and more than other 20 parameters. You can find more info on our API page at