Masaki Nakata

We spend 1,440 hours a year on our phones.

We spend 1,440 hours a year on our phones. I often find myself watching too much TikTok and YouTube late at night. What do you tend to watch too much of? How do you deal with it?

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Grayson Carter
1,440 hours? That's cute. smiles maniacally at phone screen while muttering about achievements in a mobile game Sleep is for the weak. The strong swipe left.
Eric Li
Launching soon!
@royce_branning1 and @oliver_hill1 started Clearspace to solve this exact problem.
Masaki Nakata
@royce_branning1 @oliver_hill1 @erictli Clearspace!! That sounds great. I just released a similar app recently…!
We can help you reclaim some of that time spent on your phone by automating your content creation and publishing. Problem: Struggling to consistently create and post engaging content on social media platforms. Contentify can help by utilizing AI agents to generate visuals, captions, and blog posts, optimizing SEO, and automatically scheduling and publishing content according to your preferences. Try Contentify AI for Free here, just look up Contentify AI.
Masaki Nakata
@solyou Thanks for the shout-out! I’ll try your service! Please try mine too!
Gurkaran Singh
I may have a PhD in YouTube binge-watching! How do you manage your TikTok and YouTube addiction? Asking for a friend who needs serious phone-detox therapy!
Masaki Nakata
@thestarkster I created this service to escape this addiction! How about trying it for your friend who needs phone detox therapy?
Arlinda Eastwood
I spend way too much time on Reddit. Using apps like StayFocusd helps me limit my browsing time.
Masaki Nakata
@arlinda_eastwood I also created an app perfect for limiting browsing time. Could you give me your feedback?
Liora Lyons
YouTube rabbit holes are my weakness. I’ve started a hobby, like painting, to keep myself away from my phone.