Iskandar Chacra

Today's my 90 days streak! Shooting for 365! Which streak count are you reaching for?


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Artyom Sviridov
Very impressive! I'm on 44 days as of now, reaching for as much as possible :)
Pam K.
10 would a good start. Lol.
Pam K.
@iskandarchacra I have downloaded the app but am having to use PH in a web browser. It won't log me in on the app for some reason - according to support it's because I've changed my Twitter email address. It's odd that I can log in on a web browser though. Not to worry. I'm staying strong. :-)
Dima Tryhubenko
Congrats! I’ve been really digging PH so I’m aiming for a lifetime streak (whatever a lifetime means for a male in Kyiv, Ukraine right now πŸ˜…)
Iskandar Chacra
@minuteos respect Dmytro πŸ‘ŠπŸ»i was living in Syria during the war and building apps was the best distraction. Keep it up!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Harold Smith
Keep it up!
Igor Lysenko
I'm aiming for 500