Evan Paul

Streak stuff is good on PH, but does that make sense?


I have always tried being consistent to explore new product and help makers with feedback on product I like. Problem arises when people decide to launch on Saturday and Sunday. I mean, come on folks, take break and rest. Majority of the tech crowd tries to rest, unless you are in Support. Sad that people just like to do it for mere have that top product tag but misses out on the most important thing, showcase it to the actual PH community. My suggestion, PH should shut down the launch on Saturday and Sunday, and it makes sense, PH team don’t work. I know, I reach out to them and response in Monday evening India time. #productHunt Team #community #hearMeOut

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Clausey Peter
Certain time its not about being top or visibility. Its about working as a team, see how we each are. One of the best experience I had working was during the launch. Loved the drive each one of us had.
Evan Paul
@clausey_peter That's a valid point :) My question is, why not take a break on weekend and start fresh from Monday. Not sure with the obsession to do something on Saturday or Sunday. I don't like being bothered or Dm'd to give feedback :D
Interesting thought - the benefit of having the weekend is that it's much less competitive and gives smaller makers the chance to get a top product.
Evan Paul
@maxwellcdavis agreed but visibility for product is also less. At the end nothing is achieved other than being on top 5 or 10. If that is the sole purpose. Or PH, should generate completely new category for independent product and funded. Again, there is a possibility for misusing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
John Lins
Sort of like financial markets