It's no secret that making a product is a 24/7 job, but with that comes frequent brunouts. What steps do you take to prevent it ? or to recover from it when it happens ?
Set attainable short term goals and a reward for getting them done. I like to work on a feature and when its completed I give myself some time to relax gaming or a day off to go on a hike or something depending on how big the feature was. That way I don't feel bad for relaxing a bit as I've just been productive.
The obvious way - to let yourself relax more. That's simple but not everyone accepts this. We think we should be way more productive, constantly challenging ourselves to work more like machines....
What does "relax" mean? It means that you DO NOTHING, you DON"T work mentally, don't listen to podcasts - in a nutshell - you turn off your mind, completely. The same with a body - sit, lie, maximum - walk. Sport, jogging, gymnastics - whatever - doesn't count as relaxing.
I started doing it 2 months ago - letting myself have a real rest and you know what? It has worked for me though in the very beginning it was way more difficult - do nothing))))
I also want to share with you guys the app I use right now during my workflow (and all of my teammates do). This is not an advert or spam. I really like it as it predicts my potential burnout (and a lot more other useful things).
It is soon to get launched on Product Hunt and you can subscribe to get early access to try:
1. First of all, drink cold water, it will help you to calm down your body.
2. Relax a bit.
3. Remember why you are building your product, what are its goals and objective, how it will be helpful for people, which problems it will solve for them, this ways it will be help to get back to track, get motivated and help in recovering for burnout.
@notanothervivek I always drink water when I am burnout and feel frustrated, your point of splashing cold water is amazing. I will definitely try out when I needed next time.
Daily running or workout, I find it helpful to balance mental exhaustion with physical one, and give yourself periodical short escapes go doing what you love for the weekend and don't do anything related to your business