Hai Le Phu

Need your feedback about: Which marketing channel did you focus on building Website traffic?


Hey, Product Hunt community 👋 Last week we release a new version of ManualsRepo.com. Our product is launched on Product Hunt about 1 year ago, but it's not growing. What is a marketing channel we can focus on? (Medium, dev.to, Social Media or SEO... ) What ManualsRepo does: 1. Collect a ton of manuals (user guide, documents, installation guide) and organize them. 2. Extract data from PDF files and make it easy for users to find information. 3. Help users download document manuals fastest and more accurately. I'll appreciate your feedback, thank you so much. Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/prod... Website: https://manualsrepo.com

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Fuad Murad
SEO would be a logical start in my view since you're providing manuals and my guess is that people would be searching Google for specific manuals or guides. So treating each page on your site like a landing page for that specific guide or manual would make sense and would drive targeted traffic to those pages. Maybe retarget people with Facebook ads with carousels filled with the guides they visited on your website (if they didn't download them). You can probably do this by creating "thank you" or download pages and you can retarget people who did not get there (did not download the guide). Those are just some initial thoughts.
Yassin Bouacherine
Hi! That's a really well-done website, very intuitive and clear. My first question would be, who would need this? Most items have the manual delivered. And most just throw it in the bin. Would you expand on the type of PDF that could be collected? You could easily add more categories, for agriculture as an example ;D Maybe something focused on academics for schools/universities etc? Some categories are great and could be a great source of information for students, interns, etc. Did you try to approach those types of establishments? if your product ain't growing, it's either you haven't found the right place to share about it or people aren't seeing any type of benefits on using it. You got to ask yourself, how that would make the difference between a person having access to your website, and someone following a given course or instructions from somebody, with the already available tools at hand. There are videos of people renovating engines or making reviews, I am just throwing ideas right there but what If you could try to find people who work within those engines, etc, or go to the assembly lines, down to the store for some tools and record it all? Sometimes people want the visual and why not, just get to know more before about the product before they dive into a PDF file. That could even be a great way to make people buy those things and that would be an opportunity to close some deals with some retailers, who knows ;D Great concept btw, if your website could get nearly all the PDFs of all the major industries, it could become a reference. I spent days if not weeks to find the appropriate ones for some work I had to do. Hope it helps! ;D Cheers.
Hai Le Phu
@jack95 Thank you so much. The things you mentioned give me more perspective on focusing on a few audiences. I'm working on it, I'll share it with you when I get the results :x