Nuno Bispo

Lauching my first product as an entrepeneur


Hello, My name is Nuno Bispo and I'm a software developer with over a decade of experience. Been working on my startup and just launch my first product here on PH: Cloud Home Lab My goal is to provide low cost cloud solutions to everyone based on open-source solutions. This product is made with Django, integrates with Stripe for payments and the Nextcloud server is deployed in a standard Ubuntu 20.04 installation. Feedback is welcomed. Thanks.

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Abhinav Unnam
Congrats on your start. I compiled some of my learnings and things I saw people doing in terms of what works and what does not. You might want to give this a read: - Webinars - Brute Reach Out Everything is legit at this stage !
Uku Kudu
Hi Nuno. I am in the same boat as you. But I am a non-tech solo founder. :) Based on your PH, I would read Wynter blog Learn about positioning and messaging. Otherwise, you are competing with everybody who offers cloud hosting. You don't want that. :) Your first goal is to validate product value and prove product retention.
Nuno Bispo
Hi Uku, thanks for the feedback. Definitely need to improve my positioning. Will check out your link, seems quite interesting reading.
Ghost Kitty
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Miriam Dorsett
Congratulation on starting! Great to have you here on PH.