I don't think you can figure out PMF before investing in an idea. You can validate that there's a problem and you can potentially validate your solution without investing too much into it, but it's until you put your product in the hands of users that you can start figuring out, analyzing and making whatever it takes to reach PMF.
@donmarco Thank you for your reply. It is believed that customer development milestone can help to get closer to understanding PMF before the product creation phase. What are your thoughts on this?
@eugene_lipski Totally. Customer development is not a silver bullet, but can help startups and product teams validate their assumptions, gather customer feedback, and refine their product concept to increase the likelihood of achieving PMF.
@weiruye I agree, no guarantees are out of the question at this stage. I meant rather some indirect indications that could be accommodated in the PMF concept, which could be available at the idea stage.