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AI devices will fail, here's why.


I don’t get why the current AI devices being announced have to replace your existing phone right away. I agree that’s the vision, but… Your Phones are very capable devices, probably even more then any of us experienced, as our input/output is much slower then what could be. I think we have to nail the memory aspect of our AI down perfectly. And this is not possible at a large scale, like training a LLM. There has to personal fine-tuning involved. This personal fine tuning has to happen in the constantly in background, staying invisible to you, until needed. That’s why Tap is a tethered device, a wearable to facilitate the interaction required, for this level of personalization. https://www.producthunt.com/products/tap-11

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I think a lot of these devices are actually trying to solve the input speed issue
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@mahyad Correct voice input ends up being around 5x faster then text in most cases, yet a recollection of your memories, is what people really want. For example how many cool conversations do you have that you wish you could save, digest, relate.. and so on. Currently our memories are like sand grains falling through our fingers, mixing into the rest of the beach.