Natia Kurdadze

Who do you look up to?


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Norma Lee
My father :)
Vlad Zivkovic
My wife 😁
Justin Bassett-Green
@vladimir_zivkovic wait to be clear I meant that also I look up to my wife. I don't know your wife, but I'm sure she's cool too
Vlad Zivkovic
@jtbg We are both laughing here 🤣, I said to her babe make sure you are a good role model because Justin is looking up to you 🤣🤣
myself in 2 years
Aneesh Gupta
I try to find qualities that I want to adopt from different people and try to pick up those specific qualities. It's hard to find one person to look up to for everything. But maybe by picking up the best qualities from the people around you maybe I can be that one person for someone else down the road. What do you think?
Ericka Gonzalez
my sister, love that girl
2Pac, only because he partnered with DJ Belite:
Almost anyone who is better in one way or another. Might sound weird. But that's how I see it. I have garnered ideas and found inspiration both from people who haven't done a lot in the world's view and the world's renowned people who have done a lot as well.
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