I've been working for months on a travel extension that helps you book directly - is it useful?
Before I book a hotel or an appartment on airbnb/vrbo, I tend to google the place to check out if they offer a better price. Sometimes it's the same, but sometimes I've had really nice discounts, like 15% off.
The trouble is finding the place. With hotels its a little easier since I know the name usually, although a lot of the names seam to repeat and I have landed on the wrong website (luckily I realized it before booking!). And with vacation rentals I find it much harder to match.
The idea behind this extensin I've been building is to save time and effort on this reasearch, and make my travel planning more efficient. It finds the website for you while you are searching as usual on travel sites like booking or airbnb.
If you want to try it, it is completely free. You can get Directo travel extension from the Chrome Store.
Lot's of work still to do...if you find any bugs or have suggestions, please share! Want to make it better for everyone.