
How do you cope with negative thoughts when they arise?


When you lose something, negative thoughts often linger, even if you have put in your best effort. How do you deal with these thoughts that weigh on your mind despite your dedication and hard work?

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Georgiana Dragu
I believe in the power of affirmations. I first acknowledge my emotions, accept that every emotion I feel is safe for me to feel, then affirm the opposite of any negative thoughts I have. This, making short list of what I am greateful for no matter how small and journaling/writing down affirmations are the best tools for me. Also, if you have a negative belief or doubt about something, it helps googling for the opposite, positive thought. You'll be surprised how there is data or some research backing up any thought.
Anna Starodub
Hey, I think coping with negative thoughts is hard but possible. Here are some tips that work for me: -Don’t ignore or fight them, just accept them as thoughts, not facts. -Question them and see if they are realistic or exaggerated. Try to find a more positive or helpful way to think about the situation. -Remember the good things in your life and be grateful for them. Also, appreciate yourself and your achievements. -Talk to someone who can support you and make you feel better. I hope this helps. You are not alone and you can overcome your negative thoughts. :)
@anna_starodub1 Anna this is really very helpful, your all the points valid and factful, will keep all in my mind.
Jeff Fajans
@anna_starodub1 Love the framework here. Accept/Acknowledge. Challenge them. Counterbalance with the positive. Get support.
Xavier JJ
To cope with it i realise that it is impossible to avoid negative thoughts, it may be our brain's survival instinct. But like our hands and legs, our brain is not really us too. Hence, I try my best to understand that fact and let the negative thought come and go.
I read celebrity quotes about fear / anxiety - it’s like they’re speaking to me on the same experience (see my product if you’re interested). I also go into nature, do meditation and hit the gym.
Jeff Fajans
@ananda_hsu very interesting strategy! Do you have a favorite quote?
Lindsay Davis
I recommend you to explore cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques on how to cope with negative thoughts💭 You can find online workbooks for that, there are a lot of them.
@imlindsay ohh really? please suggest the best you are experienced with
Eliza Crescini
Negative thoughts are like clouds. They come and go. It's important to acknowledge them and let them go, without judgment. If you find yourself getting caught up in a negative thought spiral, try to focus on something positive, such as your breath, your surroundings, or the people you love.
I really liked the movie Inside Out, it taught me how to deal with sad things or negative thoughts. We can give sadness some time, but don't let ourselves sink too deep into it. Many possibilities are waiting for us in the future!
Just let them appear and disappear, negative thoughts appear in everyone’s mind everyday. Just let it go.
Oh, that's the task I've been doing lately. Two things have been helping me: meditation and focused work on my attitudes. 🧘‍♀️Meditation calms the mind, which is always full of thoughts. I've noticed that without my morning meditation, it's much harder for me to focus during the day. Doing practices every day to maintain my working state and get in tune can be infuriating, sure. But I wash my dishes every day, so it feels good to eat out of clean ones, right? 🧠And the thoughts that keep me on track, to make a long story short: - It would be wonderful if the world were fair, but it doesn't have to be. - Viewing my unpleasant emotions on the way to goals and success as perfectly normal and healthy is important. It's the price of admission to a rich, challenging, but fulfilling and abundant life that makes sense. - Even in a bad scenario, the world won't collapse; I'll have a chance and I'll make it right. You can always go back to point A and start over.
Personally, talking to people (my wife, friends, colleagues) helps a lot! I used to not do it as much, but I found it really helps!
Agnieszka Rybij
Reminding yourself how much you already accomplished 🙏🏼 that maybe at one point back in the day you dreamt to actually be where you are now despite of this small obstacle or loss and you are worth praising yourself for it!
Evita T
Whenever negative thoughts arise, I always turn to my husband for support. His comforting hug and advice help me a lot in identifying the source of these thoughts and questioning their validity. This emotional connection and his perspective often provide clarity and comfort in challenging moments.
Rok Bozic
If you focus on it being bad, it will affect you that way... On the other hand, it might sound cliche but there is ALWAYS something that you can learn from it. It can be about yourself, others, market, your thinking, your actions, etc. And if you obsess over it being bad, it will only eat you up. Also, reward yourself when you try & fail. It's about the effort to try, learn & iterate on just about anything in life from relationships to businesses.
Dave-Anthony Smith
Face them head on and find solutions to pass them. Negative thoughts will always arise. As humans we are always doubting our abilities, plus we are bombarded with negative external factors daily. Developing a thick skin overtime helps, for me at least. You acknowledge it and if you can address it, do so. If its out of your control, learn to live with it.
Louis Garnier
Have you tried practicing mindfulness or meditation to help manage negative thoughts? It can be a helpful technique to observe and acknowledge these thoughts without judgment.
Jacob Henry
I talk to my parents.
@jacob_henry2 Nice! Choosing to talk to those you can trust is essential for overcoming negative situations.
Nour AbdelAal
Talk to Someone: Sharing your negative thoughts with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist can provide a different perspective and emotional support. Engage in Physical Activity: Exercise can help improve your mood by releasing endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend. Acknowledge that everyone has negative thoughts from time to time, and it's a part of being human. Limit Exposure to Negative Triggers: If certain situations, people, or media sources consistently trigger negative thoughts, try to limit your exposure to them. Set Realistic Goals: Sometimes, negative thoughts can arise from setting overly ambitious or unrealistic goals. Adjust your goals to be more attainable.
Mansi Trivedi
I know everyone had rational answers for this question. But going towards the rational path isn't the first thing we all do. Initially it's just panic and a helpless feeling. I don't think anyone can go straight towards analysing the thoughts' and focusing on the best that follows. First we all have to deal with the whole situation of not really knowing what's what! So, for me. I, like any other 20 year old stressed person, take my time figuring out through it without having a set procedure.
Cedric Mathias
As a human being having negative thoughts is very common. No one is always positive all the time. But you should never let your negative thoughts get the better of you. What i generally do is whenever a negative thought occurs in my mind i just take a deep breath and try to divert my mind or keep it busy in something else It generally works or else i will just sleep
Emily McRose
Finding love within yourself
@emrose but how you can do that?