Michael Andreuzza

Here is a list of all the stuff I am giving away for free for Indie Hackers, developers & designers.

Here is a list of all the stuff I am giving away for free that I have been building while learning web development. 161 Tailwind & Alpinejs components: ⏤ http://windstatic.com Free personal and podcast templates on Lexington Themes: ⏤ http://lexingtonthemes.com/info/primapersona/ ⏤ http://lexingtonthemes.com/info/streamer/ Astro & Tailwind CSS Open source templates: ⏤ http://astrosaas.vercel.app ⏤ http://quickstorre.vercel.app Tools: ⏤ http://colorsandfonts.com ⏤ http://svgdoodles.com ⏤ http://svggradients.com Figma files: ⏤ http://figma.com/@MikeAndreuzza VS Code themes: ⏤ https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/publishers/wicked-labs Hope you find them helpfull, have a nice day and if you want to ask me something go ahead here or on twitter.com/Mike_Andreuzza

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Sylvain (:seel-vahn)
Great content, thanks for sharing!
looks great, thanks!
Thank you Michael!
Surya Rajendhran
Whoaa these looks really good, will definitely try these
André J
Dope stuff 🚀
Blake Whittington 👾
Very much appreciated! You rock. Followed on Twitter and PH