Trey Chong

Would you launch an affiliate program for your product?

Many affiliate marketplaces out there; ShareaSale, Awin, etc. Could you share your experience launching an affiliate program? Which platform did you use?

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Clément Rog
Awin, works well. But I also did it manually with a simple custom utm at first to try, and it just did fine too
Thomas Fenimoreson
@clementrog How you are doing it manually with a simple custom utm. I heared from one of my other friend about it and thing to start it for . Could you share the manually doing method?
Clément Rog
@thomas_fenimoreson sure you generate a custom link for all your customers to share. It includes an utm_campaign=referral and utm_content=Referrer_{email}. For each signup or payment your first utm content contains referrer, you set up a notification and handle the program manually
Maybe you can share some thoughts @roberto_robles
I can't wait for my affiliate program to start! So far I have used Heepsy... Looking forward to hear some suggestions here! @_@
Brady Cassidy
Take a look at Rewardful to see if it's a fit:
apk vrm
@bradycassidy Thank you so much. I will try it for