Davide Carboni

Worst PH launch ever


I'm probably too new and I made many mistakes since I signed up on PH. The funny thing is that I prepared a draft launch for our product Uniscrow at https://www.producthunt.com/post... and I simply scheduled it for the end of June. But we were not ready by that date and I forgot to reschedule for a later date, so it was launched but nobody noticed. Well, launched somewhere in outer space 😅 Take this post as "build in public failure". Nothing to be worried about. We will survive this failure too.

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Lavanya Snigdha
It's really heartening to see that you're taking it in stride. We kind do get very caught up in the chaos and anxiety that can be launch week and sometimes, something as simple as an oversight turns into an unknown unknown. I look forward to supporting you at your next launch!
Divine Rivers
A learning lesson for your team. Use it and bounce back further than what you had hoped an initial successful launch would look like. We launch the first half of our marketplace come July 17th for sign-ups. It's not our official PH as that comes when we launch the entire marketplace in the Fall, but we will also use this launch for sign-ups to get feedback and learn best practices when launching!