Working on something specific or taking some time off for yourself? Tell us your summer's end goals
Hey, almost 2/3 of summer is already over. Are you still on time with your plans (whether it's vacation or work)? Share us what are your summer's end goals with us!
I'm currently still preparing for our PH launch sometime in the mid of August. Check out our upcoming PH page:
Our project is called: Effecto. It’s an app for detailed habits, health, symptoms, and meds tracking. Pretty much for everything that is related to your physical or mental health and every daily factor that can affect you. You can track everything - chronic health conditions (like ADHD, migraine, and every other health issue), even productivity, focus, procrastination, etc. and learn what improves or worsens it. Could be of value to many of us!
Ticket Pulse for Woocommerce
Ticket Pulse for Woocommerce