Tirupati Reddy Dontireddy

Work from home or the office - which is more productive for you?

Personally I love to work from home. Working from home can provide more flexibility in terms of scheduling and work-life balance, which can also contribute to increased productivity. However, it's important to ensure that you have a dedicated workspace and a routine that helps you stay focused and motivated throughout the day. Overall, it's important to find the work environment that works best for you and your individual needs, whether that's working from home, in the office, or a combination of both.

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Gayatri John
As someone who started her career in a post-pandemic world, I can't fathom going into office every day. Work from home all the way! So much time is wasted in commuting, and for me personally, it's easier to have a productive routine at home with less distractions. Don't get me wrong, I love getting together with my team for brainstorming sessions and bonding, but I think I do my best work in the comfort of my home desk!
Fernando Gomez
I prefer a blend. I don't want to be tied down to a specific office, but I also don't want to work alone everyday. I travel quite a lot and usually find coworking spaces or chill cafes to work at. This way, I can get my stuff done but also meet cool and interesting people. Building a network is important, and I don't want to lose that by always working from home on my own.
Hugo Bertrand
I like hibrid - working from home some days to save time, other days in the office to be with teammates.
Anoir Houmou
Hybrid is the way to go
Anastasia Reich
Remote first!
James Tedy
Hybrid. Personally, i think working from home helps me to be more productive, but there are somethings that's better be done while meeting in person. (bonding with other coworkers and some meetings)
Hyunseok Lee
I prefer blend. it's a big pleasure to see my cat during work time. But to concentrate conversation and meeting, i need work at office
Lydia Cohen
Office first.
Kenneth Crocker
Work from office.
Av Utukuri
Work from Home provided I have proper systems and software to make remote work more productive. Reactiv SUITE is one of the software's that I use that makes remote presentations engaging and more productive.
A mix of both, plus a few options, depending on the tasks to fulfill (for ex. There are places where I feel better for writing stuff)