Karthik Tatikonda

Why does sometimes products with less upvotes rank better than more upvotes?

Sometimes on the home page, I've seen products with less upvotes rank batter than more upvotes. Does it have to do anything with the Hunter profile?

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Chaitanya Y
We launched Murf AI yesterday and learned a bunch about launching on PH. Here are the top 3 learnings for us : 1. Don't chase upvotes: Chasing hurts your chances because you end up driving a lot of new signups from users who are unrelated to PH community. For eg., your customer base might have never used PH. Driving your customers to PH might not help. 2. Build Conversations: Respond to the comments, Ask for feedback, be specific with your responses. Engaging conversations have a multiplying effect. 3. Distribute your promotional efforts over the 24 hour period : a) 0-1 hour of launch : no promotions. let the enegement come in organically b) 1-23 hours of launch : Promote to your network, users, followers. Engage with comments on PH. c) 23-24 hours - Send reminders to your users/followers.
Karthik Tatikonda
@ychaitanyax I agree with you on the 2 points. And dividing the efforts is incredible. I'm gonna steal this tip for my next launch. Thanks for sharing.
Sandra Idjoski
We were one of those products that ranked higher even with a lover number of upvotes 😅 For us, I think it was a mix of high engagement in the comments as well as receiving upvotes from genuine PH users. I hunted the product, so it wasn't really influenced by having a high-profile hunter in our case.
Karthik Tatikonda
@sandra_idjoski That's awesome, never knew comments were that powerful. Thanks for sharing Sandra
Rich Watson
their algorithm. number of factors; -people signing up on the same day to upvote product is actually harmful -bunch of upvotes happening at once triggers algo to thinking a mass email was sent to get people to upvote rather than genuine upvotes
Karthik Tatikonda
@richw Never knew the second point, so in that case sending emails in groups, would be better?
Daniel Engels
It's also about the "quality' of these upvotes. It seems an organic user who discovers the product by chance and upvotes it would have more weight than someone who comes from a direct link to a product.
Karthik Tatikonda
@daniel_engels Eah, makes a lot of sense. Discovering votes will have more weightage than direct votes. Thanks for sharing this Daniel