I'm 19 now, and my biggest fear in life is being a mediocre person. I live in a lazy, small town in India, and I don't want to be like the people around me - getting average grades, a boring job, a wasted life.... Basically, I don't want to get old in auto-pilot. So yeah, this is exactly what's motivating me to make the best out of my life.
@enola_vedovotto Thank you. It's easily forgotten how short our time is here, so try and make the most of it. Wishing you the best in whatever endeavors you're setting your mind to accomplishing.
If you can't honestly answer that question, it's time to look for an answer. Too often, we close our eyes to the outside world and live in our little bubbles, focusing solely on our daily lives. I set a personal goal to pop that bubble, take off the blinders, and return to the real world. Yes, there is a lot of garbage and things I don't want to see, but I know that if I take the time to look around again, I will find nothing but beauty and inspiration. Inspiration brings smiles and joy; happiness brings love and life. Begin to live. Coming back to the question, I find inspiration in music, poetry, and art.
โI find inspiration in a variety of people and things. I would have to say that the person who has most greatly inspired me has been my grandmother. She always had a smile on her face no matter how hard she worked and she loved everyone. She was well respected and always gave more than she received.
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Elon Musk. The richest man in the work says that "Time is the ultimate currency." We all have very limited time here in this world. Before we know it, years pass by. This feeling motivates me to do more every single day.
Good question. I am a good inspiration for myself. When I am tired or do not want to do that my own mind inspires and gave me devotion to my work. freepaperwriter.com