The other day I heard the news, a 20-year-old healthy guy from Sweden who wanted to improve his performance in the gym lost consciousness during a workout and was taken to a hospital emergency room. Attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful, and he died. An examination after his death revealed that his heart was enlarged, and urine tests showed that he took anabolic steroids. It was likely that he had begun to develop a tumor... Taking steroids adversely affected his heart function and led to cancer and the young man's death. Perhaps if the doctors had put him on fenbenlab right away, he would still be alive...
You can probably buy them, not probably, but definitely. But you have to be 100% sure of their quality and reliability of the supplier. Unfortunately, I can't give you any advice.
You can buy. But only from proven sellers. I buy my pills from steroids usa, great selection of drugs and excellent customer support on all questions. But if this is your first course, I advise you to make some tests and get a doctor's consultation.